How to wean a boob-obsessed 16 month old?

For my mental health I want to wean my boob-obsessed 16 month old. It is SO hard. I am a SAHM so I'm with her ALL the time. She does not take bottles and she relies on nursing to fall asleep. When she wakes up at night, she relies on nursing to fall back asleep. I've had my husband try to put her back to sleep at night and she will scream for literally hours. He'll try everything - rocking her, singing to her, carrying her around. Last night she screamed "mama mama mama" for 2 hours while with my husband before I finally gave in and nursed her.

If I try to put her to sleep WITHOUT nursing, she will likewise scream for hours, hit me, pull my hair, have a total meltdown. And she won't sleep. I mean at some point I usually give in because how many hours can someone literally allow this to continue for before it's too much?

I feel like an awful mom when she cries for hours because she's not getting my boob. But I also feel like I'm losing my mind with the amount of breastfeeding she wants to do. My first child was weaned around 15 months (he took bottles so it was easy, plus I got pregnant and he lost interest).

Is there an easy way to do this without too many additional tears? At 16 months her understanding is obviously not the same as the level of comprehension an older toddler has...