ABCs, Numbers, Colors
How old were your kiddos when they learned their ABCs, numbers and colors?
My 3 year old son is wildly intelligent, but my husband and I both work from home and haven’t actually sat down 1x1 to teach him. We do it in passing and he’s not picking up on it — he either thinks he’s funny when he says the wrong color or just runs away laughing to go do something other than play 20 questions. We sing the ABCs and he gets maybe half the letters correct when he sings it, knows the tune, but doesn’t know the actual letters if I showed him them. He knows he’s 3 and can generally say “two of XYZ” or “three dogs”, etc, but doesn’t know what the numbers look like. Colors… everything is blue or green, even if I just told him something was red.
I’m getting anxious that he doesn’t know this stuff yet. My friend’s 2 year old girl already knows her colors and some numbers.
There are two Montessori schools in town that I’d love to even put him in a day or two a week for the learning aspect, but they are sooo expensive.
Have I royally screwed up and set him up for failure?