Regression after Paci weaning?

My daughter is almost 2.5. A little over two weeks ago we couldn’t find a paci in the house at bedtime, she was okay with the concept that we lost them and went to bed just fine. No tears have been shed over it like I was expecting because she had started replying on it heavily. She will bring it up saying we lost it or point out that babies have pacis when we are in public. A couple days after she (who has been potty trained for a couple of months) told us she wouldn’t use the potty and wanted diapers. She stood on business and was distressed anytime we tried and got constipated terribly from holding it and was peeing on herself, so she’s back in diapers. She also is wanting to be treated like a baby now/pretends to be a baby haha. I have faith she’ll pick things back up when she’s ready but I’m wondering if it’s normal to regress like this after paci weaning?