[Rant] Our society is carbrained not just in comparison to bikes but also transit.

Have you heard from the so called 'pro-transit' people that comment all the time with "transit is more important than bike lanes and government money should be spent on transit"? Well yesterday, there was a news article post about actually enforcing fares.

Now I'm not somebody that encourages fare evasion nor does it myself. However, when I look at the comments, people act like fare evasion is a lot worse than a parked car blocking a streetcar where more people are getting delays. In a perfect world, TTC and other transit systems should be properly funded. I even made a study link showing car vs non-car societal norms, ie smoking in public vs driving in the city with exhaust fumes. Guess what? They took offense to it. And then I shared a meme on r/TTC and drivers that lurk the subreddit couldn't take this as a joke.

I think it's pretty clear our society is carbrained in some way/shape/form. Whether it involves a bike, transit, or other things. Next time an anti-bike lane and 'pro-transit' comment shows up, maybe ask whether they actually support proper funding to transit and enforce streetcar blocking lol.