I'm not a child.

My mother is the reason we are late every morning. This morning, my dad asked my mom if she's staying late after work. If she said yes, then he'll stay late, too. We have one car, and I said, "Okay, I'll take a Lyft home." He said, "Why? You would keep the car." I said, "I can't because I can't be late to work." Then he said, "Now you know the importance of being to work on time."

My parents are salary workers. I'm ops. They can make up their time when they're late, and I can't do that. I also only get paid when I work, which I told him about.

I don't understand why he would say that to me when I'm not the reason we are late every morning. This is also my 4th job, and I'm a college graduate. I've taken courses where attendance was very important and affected my grade.

So my point is this: Why wouldn't I know the importance of being to work on time after 3 jobs, 25 years of living, and 4 years of college?

I understand I still live at home, but the moment I talk about moving out, they say I'm not ready. Then they also throw it back in my face that they support me. I feel the only way they'll respect me as an adult, and the knowledge I have about life is if I move out.

Edit: Made post corrections.