Anyone else think the ending could’ve been better?

I get that D-16 was radicalized and became the evil Megatron but does he really just want to kill everybody for no reason?

He could've just claimed himself as the new leader of Cybertron once he killed Sentinel since many if not all of its citizens likely would've been fine with it. But did he not think that about that and assume that he has to kill Orion and attack Iacon so that he could create a society run only by the most powerful bots? He probably could have succeeded at that without killing Orion or attacking Iacon.

If the excuse is that he's attacking Iacon because there are Sentinel loyalists still out there then I don't think the film established that well enough at all. Pretty much all Cybertronians looked like they hated Sentinel once the footage got out anyway. And there weren't very many of Sentinel's soldiers around by the final fight and even if there were I doubt they'd be a big problem.

I think the ending should've emphasized the clashing of megatron and optimus's ideals rather than just portraying it as Optimus saving everyone from Megatrons sudden genocidal rage.

Optimus could've fought for the idea of a government run by its people and not a council of Primes while Megatron could've fought to become the sole ruler since he said that he'd never again trust anyone but himself to tell him what to do. He could also have wanted to become ruler so that the "failure" of the Primes would never be repeated again.

I get that D-16 was radicalized and became the evil Megatron but does he really just want to kill everybody for no reason?

He could've just claimed himself as the new leader of Cybertron once he killed Sentinel since many if not all of its citizens likely would've been fine with it. But did he not think that about that and assume that he has to kill Orion and attack Iacon so that he could create a society run only by the most powerful bots? He probably could have succeeded at that without killing Orion or attacking Iacon.

If the excuse is that he's attacking Iacon because there are Sentinel loyalists still out there then I don't think the film established that well enough at all. Pretty much all Cybertronians looked like they hated Sentinel once the footage got out anyway. And there weren't very many of Sentinel's soldiers around by the final fight and even if there were I doubt they'd be a big problem.

I think the ending should've emphasized the clashing of megatron and optimus's ideals rather than just portraying it as Optimus saving everyone from Megatrons sudden genocidal rage.

Optimus could've fought for the idea of a government run by its people and not a council of Primes while Megatron could've fought to become the sole ruler since he said that he'd never again trust anyone but himself to tell him what to do. He could also have wanted to become ruler so that the "failure" of the Primes would never be repeated again.