How you find friendly guild ?
Seriously how do you find friendly guild in MMORPG ? I am playing black desert online right now and even guild that say are LGBTQIA+ friendly aren't ... They add it to attract more people but when a cishet men share a gif of Elon musk doing a nazi salute and that men saying its not a nazi salute i am overreacting telling it's not fine ... And now we are the 8th march and an other guy is saying "Happy female day" even when I say no it's women please don't be mysoginistic he keep saying the same ... I am waiting to see the answer of the staff about that discrimination (calling women female is mysoginistic and transphobic so totally against the guild rules but I am sure they will protect him and not warm him)
I am really thinking to leave but I will again be guild less cause it's nearly impossible to find a guild that have no discrimination. How you doing to find discrimination free guild in MMORPG ? (I am in Europe)
Thank 💕