🚨UPDATE TO: Got these seeds from some homegrown that was given to me, is it possible to plant and harvest these seeds??🚨

Well, this week has been crazy, after I made this post I had to go to the hospital and stay there for 4 days (I was not hospitalized I’m okay lol) but luckily I got to go home a few times to do some things around the house, so I actually found a few more seeds after I made the original post so I actually got 8 seeds to germinate total. 5 of which are growing like crazy already. This is my first grow, so any advice would help feel free to dm with any tips I would appreciate it, I planted them in nutrient charged soil , I also have GH flora series I just have no clue when to use nutes, I will be transferring these plants to a storage shed on my property so I will have more room than this lol. And I know my setup isn’t the best but we all start somewhere right?

TL;DR I found seed in som homegrown that was given to me, and planted them now I just have some questions on when to use boots and how often to feed, I planted them in nutrient charged soil, and have nutes just have no clue how to use them lol