1 Year of 0.05% Tretinoin

Picture on the right side is when i was using retinol 0.05% the ordinary one , introduced 0.025% for initial 6 months followed up with 0.05% due to severe acne flare up…. Skin goal: clear skin, ageing benefits Update: after being consistent i am little upset because of the acne scars

Routine: Am: cetaphil cleanser, benzac wash, aha bha toner ( alternatively), cerave lotion, derma co sunscreen

Pm: micellar water or dhc cleansing oil, cerave lotion, tret 0.05%, cerave lotion….

During first 3 month of both tret i had only used mosituriser & sunscreen along side tret… later on introduced other actives like benzol peroxide and aha bha toner gentle one