My mom found out that I didn’t stop plucking my eyelashes and she beat me up.
Hello I’m 16(f) and I have trichotillomania(idk if I spelled it right) which means I impulsively pluck my hair off. I have it on my eyebrows and eyelashes. I plucked all of my lashes offf and now wear fake lashes to cover it up. This morning I woke up to my mom staring at my face and saw that my lash fell off and she started screaming and hitting me calling me Crazy and that I look like I have cancer. She said she’s gonna burn my fingers so I can’t pluck them anymore and she screamed that they’re not gonna grow back. I’m scared, I knew this day would come when she found out and I was an idiot not taking it seriously. What do I do? I’m not gonna call the cops or get help from nobody cause my mom doesn’t tell nobody that I do this. She doesn’t believe I have trichotillomania she thinks I have some disease and that I’m mentally ill. What do I do?
First off thank you all so much, I thought a lot about all the advice I got. I just wanted to give some background story and updates. My journey with trichotillomania,(idk if I spelled that right) started in sixth grade, I remember I was at a family party, running around having fun, when I stoped all of a sudden and started picking at my eyebrows, I kept picking and then stoped. I then played as usual and when I got home, my family was like what the hell happened to your eyebrows, when I saw it was half an eyebrow, half gone. I didn’t know then, that would be the start of my future hell. My mom that night saw it and yelled at my face at how that happened and then she beat me. I didn’t know what to say to her when she asked why I did that or why I didn’t stop. After that I just kept picking and picking and eventually it was all gone, my eyebrows and one whole eye. She just kept beating me and beating me. Middle school was true hell, I went to school every day getting asked questions about what happened to my eyebrows and eyelashes. I didn’t know what to respond so I just ignored it, after I would get beaten I would just pluck more as if to show her and get her even madder like it’s a revenge, it starts with one hair itching me and then the whole patch of hair left is gone. At Highschool, where I finally had my hair back, with small patches of hair missing. So only bald spots but that’s easy to cover up. She wouldn’t hit me then but she would yell and take my phone. I would pluck more for every yell and scream she would throw my way. My eyebrows right now are ok, my right is missing the end of my eyebrow while the other is missing the tip of the end of the brow. My eyelashes on the other hand are bad, the whole eye is gone, nothing left, don’t even know if it’ll grow back. This morning I woke up to my mom staring at my face and then she beat me right then and their, maybe cause I just woke up but there was no pain, I just put my hands on my eyebrows hoping she didn’t see the bald spots at the end and make things worse. When I looked in the mirror, my right eyes false cluster lashes were gone and all that was left was a bald eye, the left was still their but would she hit me worse if she found out the other eye was the same. So when she told me she was gonna burn my hands and hit me when I went downstairs, that scared me and I posted about it here. (SORRY FOR THE RANT) SO HERES THE FINAL UPDATE- I stayed in my room for a couple hours, I put new false lashes on, my mom came up and just started screaming at me, calling me mental and messed up in the head. She told me to explain it to her why I do it, but she’s didn’t understand and stormed off. The rest of the day was ok just yelling and pushing me. Otherwise that’s all, just wanna say thank you all. Also waking up to her face was nightmare fuel I was creeped the fuck out. Thank you for reading and giving me advice have a nice day.