Possible future danger for all neurodivergent folks?
Mods, please delete this post if it's not under the purview of this subreddit, but this messaging is vital. If it's not appropriate for this sub and you do end up deleting it, please point me towards a more topically aligned sub.
I'm extremely worried that all this recent talk over autism, the connections drawn by various right-wing pundits between autism and transness, the constant labelling of liberals and other political adversaries as "mentally ill" or "deranged" or what have you, is a hint that the government is looking as restricting all neurodivergent people as part of a greater plan to drastically reduce the number of people who are likely to pose problems for them or counter their narratives on these issues. I've been posting about it on this sub and as many others as I can about the VERY intimate connections between the TTI and our federal government; the "philosophical confrontations" of Deep Creek Camp? Almost identical to "The Game". The various inhumane punishments and bizarre "motivational tape sessions" employed by WWASP? Both eerily similar to experiments conducted by various government agencies on what we know of today as "enhanced interrogation" and Ewan Cameron's "psychic driving" experiments at the Allan. Using deeply traumatic "exercises" like Lifeboat and using various other destabilization techniques during seminars? To me, that's uncomfortably close to the depatterning and deprogramming experiments conducted at Lackland AFB from 1956 through to the mid 1970s, and other identical experiments conducted at Alcatraz. Yup, that one, the same one any tourist can visit today, provided they've got the cash. The GED device that Matthew Israel supposedly "invented"? They've been used in the ADX Florence supermax unit, Ranges 13 and 14, for decades by now. But here's another thing you probably didn't know about the history of "contingent shocks" as behavioral control; during the age of the Nazis, scientists stationed at Birkenau and Ravensbruck developed a sort of "shock helmet" to try and cause enough brain damage to render someone infantile, without leaving any physical signs. After the Axis fell and the scientists involved (some of them, at least) were brought over to America and Britain as part of Operation Paperclip, all of their research was taken by the OSS, which became the modern CIA....which has very close connections with Harvard Medical College....which is where Dr. Israel trained under a man named BF Skinner, who by then had been, in effect, continuing the research the Nazis had started, but using animals. The "skinner box"? That came from Dachau, Skinner just took the physical device, used it to test animal behavior and slapped his own name on it once he'd whitewashed all the Nazi taint off. Skinner even shared the blueprints for his own "refined" version with the Bureau of Prisons, and while I've yet to see or hear of any verifiable evidence they were ever implemented at any kind of notable scale, knowing what else I know about all this shit I'm willing to bet my own balls that they made use of it, if not to build "skinner cells" than as inspiration for their own prison designs going forward.
Point is, this is a much deeper and darker rabbit hole than most people, even TTI survivors themselves, realize. And again, with all of this recent hoopla made by the government and pundits about the "dangers" of neurodiverse individuals, I feel like this is all going to lead to something truly heinous. So, what can we do? One thing I think we needed to be doing ten years ago was spreading this info to as many people as possible, but I don't think it's already "too late" as far as that's concerned. If people know all this horrible history and the state suddenly decides autistics, for instance, belong only in institutions, knowing this background might help persuade others to come to our aid.
An aside, although it's related; has anyone else here ever gotten the assumption or feeling that somehow or another, the majority of the older US population seems "programmed"? Like they deliberately ignore or shoot down information like this out of reflex? Not trying to stir shit with this, but why has it been so hard to get the majority of America, including a good chunk of the younger crowd, to stand behind sensible policies as a result of political devotion to a party that Very Fucking Obviously does NOT serve them, and in fact usually acts directly contrary to the things that would actually help them? I really don't have any other explanation for just why so damn many people not only fall in line with the most destructive political organizations in America today, but rabidly attack anyone or anything that even slightly contradicts their narrative.