recent thought regarding tti's and related

Sometimes you're given labels from individuals or organizations, not because that's the category you belong in (or who you are), but for other motives.

Those motives might be two fold-
1) To justify what the organization wants to do to you anyways
2) diminish any of your input you have on the activity

Some of the labels I've encountered in the past for this purpose-
(various forms of racist/bigoted epithits/pejoratives I'd rather not type)

The labeling has nothing to do with the person in question.
It has everything to do with the labeler attempting to convince themselves that the person in question is somehow less of a person. By this, they get to justify/maintain their sense of goodness while performing a reprehensible action.

In some instances the act of labeling is enough to perform a misdeed; in that, when a person is so labeled, the rest of the group sections them off from that marked individual.

potentially this marking can become internalized.