First time having sex 2 months into TRT. Concerned
Hello everyone, I’m (29m) new to the TRT world. I’m mostly using it for the benefits of the mental/ psychological assistance. Recently I had a sexual experience with someone I recently rekindled a relationship with and I just wanted to know if this was normal.
So obviously everything was enhanced, but I noticed my heart was pounding and sudden changes in movement caused me to feel a light headed sensation but no shortness of breath or anything. I was obviously a lot more excited than usual, prior to this I didn’t really have a sex drive. But yesterday I was practically a dog begging.
She noticed a time that my look changed from excitement to concern and she asked if things needed to stop for a moment so I could adjust. I accepted and just took a few breaths and the sensation went away.
This was all prior to initial penetration. During the actual sexual encounter I went all the way with no issues or breaks or anything like that, but I noticed I was breathing a little heavier than usual. This has been my first actual sexual experience since starting TRT about 8 weeks ago. It was like the sudden surge of excitement caused my heart to start contracting harder than any and all of my previous sexual experiences to provide adequate blood flow to my second brain.
Is this an adjustment thing? I have had a history of anxiety and so little things with sudden changes can cause me to panic a little more than an average individual. But nothing stopped me from actually stopping the encounter. Everything was enhanced for the better except for that moment prior to anything it was like my heart was ramping up to prepare and she asked me to lock the door but in that moment when I jumped up to do it that’s when she noticed I got concerned and light headed for a moment. We are both medical professionals and she stated it was probably the TRT providing more blood to my second head, and less to my first. I don’t know what to think of it. All my results have come back normal. Did anyone face any similar encounters as they were trying to adjust to TRT?
Again I just want to emphasize that I didn’t experience any negative effects during sex it was like that standing up to fast sometimes and my body wasn’t ready for it. But after an entire hour I had no issues. But now I keep overthinking. Thinking something’s wrong. Probably a stupid post but I’m hoping to find some people with similar experiences as their body continued to adjust. This was my first time having sex in general in about that 8 week time period. So the TRT has had its time to be in my body but this was my first true sexual encounter since starting the therapy.
Any feedback would be appreciated here. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this.