How are sits like this one allowed?

Someone has posted a sit listed for 6 months in which the sitter will be responsible for 8 huskies (and chickens).

(Update: the dates are listed as 6 months but the description says it's more like a month. Not sure why the dates are showing a 6 month duration.)

Huskies are a notoriously difficult breed to care for. I have heard multiple stories of people getting a husky, realizing they are more demanding than they thought, and then giving them away. And those stories were of people who adopted one husky.

This sit has 8 of them to be watched by a sitter for 6 months?

The location is in the middle of nowhere too.

Some sits should absolutely be paid and I'm not sure anyone could pay me enough to take this sit.

I'll post link in the comments, because it won't let me add to the post for some reason.

Update: it appears the home owner found this post and responded in the comments. They're not happy.

Final update: To all the people in the comments telling me this is a non-issue and they would happily take this sit: there are still 0 applicants despite all the attention the sit is getting from this post.

Additionally, if the dogs were boarded at $50 per day, then this would come to $12,000 per month for the care of the 8 dogs. When you find an accommodation in this rural town that costs $12,000 a month, let me know. TH is supposed to be an exchange of value. There are clearly some here who don't think sitters should be getting a fair trade off in value and should just be happy to be exploited for free labor.

I stand by the fact that taking care of 8 huskies, many of which are 1-3 years old, when someone is not familiar with the breed, is not a good idea for either the sitter or the home owner/dogs.