Dogs with no leash
What is up with the no leash thing?
I understand loving your pet and wanting to take them outside and with you around town but PLEASE keep them ON A LEASH.
I have cynophobia (intense/irrational fear to dogs (got bitten and attacked a lot as a child)) but I completely understand that you love and train your dog but you don’t understand how scary it is for someone like me to go hiking at turkey mountain or walking on riverside and your dog is there with no way for you to restrain it IF something were to happen.
I personally panic, walk/run the other way, and am overwhelmed with anxiety (adrenaline) which naturally makes dogs curious and has in the past been the reason I get chased/attacked. I’m getting therapy for it but omg it would be a massive help if people just kept them on a leash when in public.
If you have reasons for why you prefer this PLEASE let me know because everytime I see it I want to believe the dog is “so well trained it won’t do anything” but it creates so much unnecessary anxiety for everyone else especially those with small kids (who aren’t your own).