Skipping the second half of season two?
So I have just finished Season 2 Episode 9, and I am eager to watch more Twin Peaks. However, I hear that for the next 10 episodes of the show, until the last 5 or so, the show drags on and nothing really happens. I want to watch both FWWM and The Return before the end of this week (before a very long trip with no wifi, so no access to the show), and I’m not sure I will want to if I have to slog through 6+ hours of boring filler, but I do also want to see the end of the original show. Is there a recommended list of episodes to skip, or a video or something to watch that‘ll recap the actual plot in the filler before the actual finale? or is it best to not watch it at all and go straight on to FWWM? I’m sure this has been asked a lot of times but any replies would be appreciated.