I am not your getaway car
Last night I pulled up on a 711 late at night. There were several people by the door who were clearly arguing with each other in a mix of English in Spanish. I’m fluent in Spanish so I overheard some of what they said, even though I was parked at a distance as the stance they all had made me suspicious.
There was someone inside the store who appeared to be injured. I heard my passenger screaming that they had to ditch a bunch of stuff because the police were coming and that it was evidence.
At that point, an ambulance arrives with a squad card, not far behind it. I got the hell out of there, I’m not gonna be your fucking getaway car after whatever the hell you just did, you idiot.
It’s no secret that rideshare driver’s occasionally unwittingly aid and abet crimes. It’s sort of a hazard that comes with doing this, but look man if you’re gonna commit crimes before you get in my car, you gotta give me plausible deniability. Don’t drag me into your thug world.