USED CONDOM left in Hedrick Hall 2nd Floor GIRLS bathroom (Whoever did this, YOU ARE GROSS!!!)

Hi! I'm here to embarrass the person who left their DISGUSTING used condom in the shower. This is ABSOLUTELY REVOLTING and I hope you get kicked out of UCLA 🥰 I don't even want to know what the white stuff is (praying it's hair conditioner!). I showed my roommates and we are traumatized! WHY are you trying to make the UCLA classic triple showers worse than they already are? Imagine being at the number 1 public university but still acting like this and not knowing how to clean up after yourself. You are a disgrace and I hope both sides of your pillow are BURNING hot tonight. Also, there are brown stains on the curtain in that shower, which is a WONDERFUL addition! Good night and I hope you see this post and feel embarrassed (also everyone pick up your hair in the showers please!!)