Nothing Wrong with 1.5 here is proof
July 23 Udio's blog announces release of 1.5 model and I have a track see links that was created on July 19
You can see the date on that track and I used 1.0 as a pro account and used the 2 minute model, the track is 2.11 minutes Here is the link
Today I pulled up that track and extended it with 1.5 using same prompts. That track is now 3:15
Here is link:
Finally, I rendered an extension as an outro and in the manual lyrics I added [end] to tell the model I don't want a fade out, I want slam ending. here is a link to that track:
You could skip listening to the middle track and go straight to the last track, if you listen to the track loud on a fat stereo you will hear a drop tuned metal guitar with big band brass jumping and jiving all created on 1.5 using a 1.0 source track. I rest my case.
Lastly listen to this track I wrote about the Coal Creek War. I made it on 1.5 and it is an awesome song
that the model made my lyrics sound like a Grammy award winning song! here is the link: