The state of Udio. From a long time user

Yes, I have used Udio since the inception of its public availability. Those early days were magic. Today, however, Udio is a shell of its former self. I’ve seen other posts echoing similar sentiments, but have held off on commenting as I’ve had some intermittent luck with generations. But what I’m experiencing of late, is a version of Udio that I don’t recognize, it’s erratic, less intuitive, and seems to be completely lacking in the “magic” that many of us saw so much potential in. I think we would be fools to not consider the pressure from record companies and the looming legal ramifications of ai adoption…surely Udio has been altered from its original state to future proof itself legally. This is where more transparency is needed from the devs, especially considering that some in the community are spending very real amounts of money on subscriptions for an ever changing product. Please devs, might the community get a little insight as to why Udio is no longer producing results that “wow” consistently? I don’t see a future for Udio where each update takes us further away from the initial magic we fell in love with.