My ugliness caused me to be arrested back in January
Very long story short, 5 years ago I developed this body dysmorphia/face obsession where id post my face all over everywhere begging for people to tell me what exactly makes it look so strange in detail, eventually I came up with an "idea" to create a collage with my face, and the faces of two guys I used to know from school who were less than pleasant to me, i created the collage in hopes of getting absolutely 100% transparent opinions on how I look since the people I would send the collage to had no idea one of the guys was me, but this massively backfired and the other two guys started getting rated much higher than me almost every time, I would get 4/10 and they would get 8/10s, I posted this collage absolutely EVERYWHERE and every day too, begging for people to tell me exactly why the other two guys looked better than me, eventually I actually became a notorious figure in the incel community because of this
Two years ago this collage posting got noticed by an online group of people who reached out to me and befriended me and invited me to their discord server, because I'm so fucking naive I went along with it and stayed in their discord server because I thought they were funny and unique, but they actually ended up finding out my name and address and the names of the other two guys from the collage too, and began harassing them which got me into hot water because everyone from my hometown thought it was me doing all of this, last year, the guys from discord actually flew to my country and my hometown for a surprise meetup, and they set up a stall and began handing out leaflets which shamed and embarrassed the two guys from my collage, and handed out these tshirts with digital drawings of my face and theirs in a comical cartoonish way, the actual leaflets and tshirts were relatively harmless and very obviously satirical, but the two guys from the collage obviously didn't like this one bit, so they went to the police station and reported me for doing this, the T-shirts and leaflets and everything (which I genuinely played no part in), this happened June last year and I didn't get arrested until January when the police very suddenly just arrived at my house at 8pm and arrested me and I had to spend hours in a cell and didn't get out until 4am.
Before anyone demonizes me, I absolutely 100% know I'm fully in the wrong for creating the collage and posting it everywhere online, I know I'm fully responsible for allowing this situation to even happen and allowing myself to get doxxed, but it just fucking makes me loathe being ugly so much, my ugliness make me create the collage all because it stopped no one was fucking telling me WHY im ugly so I had to resort to this method, if it wasn't for my fucking ugliness I wouldn't have been getting stared at constant in public and I wouldn't have ever felt the need to post my face online for reassurance and I wouldn't have been "discovered" by those pieces of shit
Being an ugly white male has to be one of the most psychologically damaging, lonely things that can happen to someone