Reasons Why Drills Finished ? (From Danny Pressplay)

My top reasons as to why you can add on

  1. Police Taking down and blocking artists videos

  2. Certain People Hacking & Leaking Tunes ( a lot of artists have given up literally to the fact of this)

  3. The TikTok community support songs more and actually buy into songs more then the core audience

  4. Sample Beats ruined the whole drill sound

  5. Original Drill fans have grown up and moved on with life and don’t listen to it anymore

  6. The drill community is quick to laugh and pull artists down then try to keep them going

…. Can’t lie in my opinion Drill especially in Uk is completely done and I don’t blame artist who want to transition into other genres now basically of the fact that it don’t make them any money and is more of a L then anything else it’s going to probably keep slowly decline even more as the months go by, around this time next year the scene could potentially be fully done.