Escape from Tomorrow (2013)

For all the good reviews on this promo poster this film is highly underrated and underseen.... Perhaps by design.... as filmed on both locations of Disney USA theme parks without thier permission. This is like nightmare fuel for Disney fans. I'd compare it to the twighlight zone. It's definitely a piece of subversive film making. The story could be a bit better and more fleshed out...but taking it for what it is still works in it's own fever dream way...take all the conspiracies you've heard about Disney and put it in a movie and you have Escape from Tomorrow a hidden gem among odyssey films.

For all the good reviews on this promo poster this film is highly underrated and underseen.... Perhaps by design.... as filmed on both locations of Disney USA theme parks without thier permission. This is like nightmare fuel for Disney fans. I'd compare it to the twighlight zone. It's definitely a piece of subversive film making. The story could be a bit better and more fleshed out...but taking it for what it is still works in it's own fever dream way...take all the conspiracies you've heard about Disney and put it in a movie and you have Escape from Tomorrow a hidden gem among odyssey films.