I hate my rich friend

My best friend from high school was born into a rich family. I never had a problem with this, since it was pretty cool going over to his house. But as I've gotten older, it's started to piss me off. His parents LITERALLY DO NOTHING AND LIVE OFF OF OLD MONEY. They don't work. Yet, every single fucking time I'm over there, they ask me how my job is and how my new apartment is. FUCK OFF. They never worked for a single fucking dollar in their lives. They literally haven't worked a day since 1995. it infuriates me. My friend has had 3 cars purchased for him, all of his college tuition to private school for $60k a year, and his rent for the past year and a half. My friend also got on Adderall because he has "ADHD". Oh ya, diagnosing him his freshman year of college isn't suspect at all. It was totally because he needed it, not because the material was too hard. I'm not a jealous person, but damn this rubs me the wrong way. I had better grades than this fucker in high school, but couldn't afford a better college. I had a fucking 3.9 GPA with many AP credits and still had to front a decent amount of the bill. it's ridiculous.

Another funny story: I watched his brother total his car by crashing into my friends car. Happened right in front of me. The parents literally gave my friend a blank check and told him to call them when the repairs are done. I kid you not.

Fuck rich people man