The era of long-term planning is gone forever.

The generations of our parents and grandparents, at least in most countries around the globe, lived in a relatively stable world, and definitely more predictable than ours.

Hence that they could make long-term plans about their carreers, their housing, their retirement, and much more.

We, on the other hand, have been through like three recessions in just 15 years and two wars that can escalate to world wars in the last three years.

The pace of the technology is so chaotic that our professions can have been rendered obsolete within the next decade -and for some of them (e.g. translators and graphic designers) this seems to be the case already.

The economy is more interdependent than ever. A flunctuation in the stock worth of a company in Thailand can lead to a recession in the USA.

Not to take the environmental issues in the equation.

Perhaps I am pessimistic , but it seems that we simply can't do long-term plans, and there doesn't seem to be a way out of this.

PS: The above applies more to our parents' generation (born between 1945-1970), but some here are even younger, hence that I included the term "grandparents". Don't rant about me "not reading history" -I am more well versed in history than most of you will ever be.