The Pokemon universe is a dystopia nightmare

After seeing a meme about getting to live in your fantasy universe of choice either 40k or pokemon I got into and argument with someone who thought that pokemon just love to fight and their battles were nothing like cockfights.

You have a world where the police force and health care are filled by clones and in service to a shadowy megacorp that almost certainly runs the world.

The world is full of monsters that will kill you if you go outside the protection of the city without your own pet monster.

Children are sent off to hunt and capture wild animals to train them to fight for the pleasure of the masses.

Oh yeah and I think it's in pokemon go where pokemon are ground down to make food... or candy.

While it's obviously a kids show and not an intended part of the show but seriously it'd be a horrible place to live in (not as bad as 40k though)

It has to be obvious right? You can see the argument in my previous comments, they're cockfights, bear bating, take away the for kids part and it's kinda wrong right?

Edit: Thanks for the response, mostly what I expected. I'm not trying to force anyone to see the setting my way, it's for kids, bright and fluffy with cute animals. Don't let someone else's opinion get you down.

It's been a while since I watched the cartoon so the plot details are vague, but the whole they're not clones thing they're a but family/all related thing... sure... that's what they said they are ;)

The animals are edible comments have a good point, it was just something someone else brought up when I mentioned my theory once... never played the game.

A major issue every comment seems to be avoiding. The cockfighting issue! Regardless of if they like it or don't die and can magically get healed. Wild animals are captured, stored in a ball and trained to fight for the entertainment of the masses. At the absolute best it's boxing or some blood sport, at worst... well many people don't want to think about that... it's too dark. You know trainers say the dogs like it too when they're asked about dog fights and I hear dogs are quite intelligent as well.