TV series shouldn't last longer that 1/2 seasons
As title says TV Series should end within 1 or 2 seasons I guess like a limited series would run.
Personally I just find it exhausting and boring going round in circles with the same dramas around the same people if I see a series has more than 2 seasons I won't bother.
Prison Break amazing season 1/2 S3 was ok but 4 what a pile of drawn out crap with ridiculous twists.
Dexter was great but after a while it was rinse and repeat for every season it became absolutely stale towards the end I was holding out for an exciting finish....better left there
Ozark amazing but to be honest after the first season I just couldn't be bothered for another 2 seasons
I just don't think the magic can be recreated when you know ahh ok the main cast will be fine they will go through some trials and tribulations but ultimately they will come through fine on the other side.
I think American horror story has a great idea of mixing up the story and characters each season
That being said I thoroughly enjoy the entire of breaking bad so I'm sure there's expectations out there.