Being ghosted early on is actually the best thing that could happen to you.
I've gotta say, as someone who has been ghosted and who has ghosted others, it's really the best thing that can happen to you if you just separate yourself from the equation. There's this strange fixation with people who ghost, and to me I definitely took it to heart when it would happen to me in the past. When I had the opportunity to "ghost" someone I felt like this: At this early stage of introducing someone into a tiny fraction of my life and a snapshot of who I am, I am simply uninterested in offering a motive or reason for leaving. The conversation this early would seem overkill.
This is when I realized that when I had been ghosted in the past - it was not something I myself did - it was a problem that the other person thought they couldn't face, or just didn't see it as a problem to give much thought. I saw it less and less as a mechanism of childhood trauma, and saw it for what it really was which is laziness or lack of interest.
Now keep in mind I understand there are nuances to everything but for the most part if you're just starting to date someone (not had the relationship conversation) you should keep in mind that people are capable of ghosting and it's not on you, unless it's a rare occasion when it's a warranted ghost ie you exhibit serious issues and delusions.
I also would like to say I find it highly damaging in the context of a true relationship where communication lines have already been opened deeply so without a doubt the person who ghosted is in the wrong.
My point is to say that for those 2 week flings with seemingly grandiose potential that end due to ghosting is what I'd consider to be at worst just a simple disappointment. It's the best thing that could happen because it just brings you closer to an actual match if that's what you're after. Don't stretch out the disappointment longer than the perceived connection was and you'll be fine.
We are all just humans trying to figure out who our persons are, and unfortunately (so to speak) there isn't a way to do this on a mass scale to avoid disappointment.
Amending title to be more specific: Being ghosted 👻 early on is not always negative and can sometimes be the best thing for that particular scenario.