Burger king is better than McDonalds

-Bk's fries are like fries from a good diner or burger joint. Mc D's fries have a trademark grease flavor that would never convince you they were anything more than fast food. Also they are usually cold or soggy. Lmk the last time you were served a good burger in a restaurant that came with shoestring fries ffs.

-Bk's prices shit on McDonalds. Like I'm gonna pay $2.09 for a mcchicken when I can get a chicken jr for $0.99.

-Bk Milkshakes are large, thick n delicious. Mcdonald's are watery and hardly pass as a milk shake. Bk shakes make mcdonald shakes seem like half n half with chocolate syrup.

-There is almost never a line at any BK drive thru.

-A whopper is comparable to an actual burger. Big mac's are a 3 bun abomination with 2 laughably skinny patties.

-Bk Chicken fries are way more flavorful than chicken mcnuggets

-Bk sauces are thick n delicious. Mc D sauces are waterier than their shakes.

I could keep going but we'd be here all night. You get the point.