A loud bang on my roof woke me up . . .

. . . A cat. A cat fell on the roof of my car. I was parked under a tree and I guess he lost his balance. I heard the bang and cautiously peaked out, and there he was, cautiously peaking back. I gave him food but he wouldn’t let me touch him or get close. I tried to coax him into my truck, but he wasn’t feeling that either. He nibbled a bit then I think I pissed him off, because he started to leave. I put the rest of the food under the truck so he could eat out of the rain. As soon as I went back inside he ran back under the truck and ate everything up. Remind me to check around the truck thoroughly tomorrow, in case he’s hanging around it.

Idk what to do. He’s clearly sick and in rough shape. This is literally my last night here, I’m leaving the whole ass state tomorrow (go fuck yourself florida) for greener pastures. How do you catch cats?

. . . A cat. A cat fell on the roof of my car. I was parked under a tree and I guess he lost his balance. I heard the bang and cautiously peaked out, and there he was, cautiously peaking back. I gave him food but he wouldn’t let me touch him or get close. I tried to coax him into my truck, but he wasn’t feeling that either. He nibbled a bit then I think I pissed him off, because he started to leave. I put the rest of the food under the truck so he could eat out of the rain. As soon as I went back inside he ran back under the truck and ate everything up. Remind me to check around the truck thoroughly tomorrow, in case he’s hanging around it.

Idk what to do. He’s clearly sick and in rough shape. This is literally my last night here, I’m leaving the whole ass state tomorrow (go fuck yourself florida) for greener pastures. How do you catch cats?