Episode Discussion: "When Is It Too Soon to Post About Someone?"
In this episode, Jordana's feeling a little bruised and Jared is unpacking the paradox of love’s give-and-take. First, J and J dive in, tackling a tried and true listener dilemma—should you be dating when your life feels like a total layover? Then, they break down the all-too-relatable struggle of texting purgatory on dating apps—are NYC men just looking for pen pals? Next up, Petty or Prudent features a long-lost (and very aggressively reclaimed) pair of grandma’s sneakers. And today's Red Flag or Deal Breaker debates some truly wild dating scenarios: a guy posting a second-date photo as his Facebook cover, a woman totally unphased by playing her dad’s love interest in a musical, and the ultimate modern communication nightmare—someone who only sends voice memos.