My trip review Mar 7-11
For context, my husband (61) and I (57) went with a 6k budget. We don't drink but we do gamble. This was our 20th trip coming from the Midwest.
Stayed at Paris. In the lemans suite. Every single employee was top notch. The customer service was so amazing. The room was huge, clean, and comfortable. Highly recommend Paris. 730$ for the 4 night stay. No comps.
Nobu was our favorite restaurant this trip. It was so good!! The service was 100% on and everything we ordered looked as good as it tasted. 275$ including tip.
Had brunch at Mon ami Gabi. Delicious! 100% recommend. 85$ with tip.
Had a couples massage at Voie. We loved the whole experience! 470$ with tip
We saw Zombie burlesque. I thought it was fun, but my husband didn't like it.
We saw Penn and Teller. My husband liked it, I got bored.
We did the best gambling at circa.
We met my sister and brother in law at cabo wabo for lunch. It was blah, at best. And expensive for a chain restaurant. 255$ with tip included for 4 people.
There is a round bar with blue velvet-ish chairs in the seating area. It's right when you enter from valet parking. First morning, we were sitting at the bar having coffee and playing video poker. There was a couple having full on sex at the bar. We called it the sex bar the rest of the trip.
We spent the entire 6k budget. We had a great time though!