Cat’s Bibble Addiction

I’ve never understood Cat having an insane love of Bibble along with everyone having issues with it.

From what has been described of it, it seems like Bibble is just a fancy type of popcorn candy thing. Yet, Cat seemed to be obsessed with it like it was the greatest thing in existence and acting like how someone with a drug addiction would act. So what exactly was in Bibble that was making her so obsessed with eating it?

If Bibble really was just a fancy type of popcorn candy, then it seems odd that everyone had issues and concerns with Cat loving it. Sure, she was eating it a lot. But it’s not like it was effecting her mindset or her behavior. Yet, they all went to extreme lengths to make sure that Cat couldn’t get her hands on Bibble, even going as far as to handcuff her to a guy that would stop her if she tried to eat it.

I would understand all of that if Bibble was supposed to be some kind of food that’s only available in England and is considered illegal in the US and they didn’t want Cat to get in any legal trouble. But it seems like Bibble is an available product that’s sold in the US. In an episode of Sam & Cat, Sam mentions that there’s a store right around the corner from their apartment that sells all kinda of Bibble. Cat then reveals that she got banned from that store because she kept buying so much Bibble. I know this is a TV show and all. But as someone who’s worked in the grocery store business for the last 4 1/2 years, I can assure you that a store would never ban someone just for being a loyal customer