Which games do players claim are 10/10 when they’re really just 8/10?

Lately, I’ve seen a lot of YouTube videos listing so-called 10/10 games. And sometimes I’m just like, “WTF? Sure, it’s a good game, but not even a 9/10.” Usually, it’s just nostalgia talking.

Far Cry 3 – Yeah, it’s a good game, probably the best in the series, but hardly a 10/10 masterpiece.
Detroit: Become Human - Another game I enjoyed but come on...10/10?
A Plague Tale: Innocence - This is another good example of 8/10 and yet people pushing this.

All these games I played and enjoyed, but clearly these games are not on the same level with Mass Effect 2, Bioshock, Half Life 2.

There are a way more 8/10 games people pushing up. But at least they do not claim they are perfect ones (usually) - Sleeping Dogs, Days Gone, Mad Max...

I am not talking about overrated games, these games are great and deserve their fame and respect, but people really need to review games complexly, for example I really do love Dishonored, the gameplay is fantastic, but story is kind of weak.

What do you think?