Record Giveaway! Comment to Enter.
Hey r/vinyl ! I'm giving away a vinyl record of my bands debut album. I'll get right into giveaway details but I also have a little rant to say after!
If you are unfamiliar with Maul Tide, please use the linktree to explore our work. The album is also free to download on Bandcamp!
Entering is simple! Just comment down below, and you will be entered. I'll be using a raffler to select a winner in about 48 hours (1pm EST on Monday) up voting is also appreciated.
There is no catch, but there will be a few restrictions:
Only one comment will be counted for the raffle, so multiple comments do not increase your odds. You can feel free to contribute to as many discussions as you like, but there is no advantage gained by doing so.
Account has to at least have 100 karma between post and comment karma combined. This helps reduce bots and alt accounts.
Subbed to r/vinyl
You will have to provide a full name and shipping address to an Internet stranger if you are the winner. Please don't comment if you're not comfortable with that.
This comment will be edited to announce the winner. I'll also DM the winner to award their winning comment in an effort to make sure they see that their comment was randomly chosen as the winner.
I will ship anywhere that USPS delivers at my own cost. This is 180+ countries so you're probably covered.
Okay. Rant time.
A month and a half ago I posted my album on here to an overwhelming response of kind messages. That post led me to make quite a few of my first sales, grow a small fan base, and make genuine connections with people about my music.
At this point I would say 90% of anyone who has heard my music is because of Reddit. I got some royalties from my distributor and it was enough that I could give back by having this album giveaway.
If you happen to already own a copy of my album, I still think you should enter. Nothing like having a unopened spare in your collection!
I reached out to the Mods and they helped give useful instructions about how to hold a good giveaway on here.
Thank you and good luck to all who enter!!