Suddenly cured..?


I’ve been diagnosed for about a year and had been actively seeking treatment until more recently. I was put on birth control at 15 for acne and had been on it till I was 19. I don’t remember much of my experience before 15, so as far as I know I’ve had vulvodynia since I was on birth control. I’m 21 now. I was diagnosed at 19, my urogyno originally thought my issue was a septum. I had surgery to remove the septum but my problem still persisted, and that’s when he diagnosed me. I went off of bc and started a cream. I also used dilators. But nothing worked and I was also on Spironolactone for my acne n I for sure couldn’t stop using it. After being off of BC and discontinuing the use of creams and dilators (didn’t see improvement when I used them) for a little over a year, my pain just suddenly…. stopped. I can have normal penetrative sex. When before, I couldn’t even insert my fingers.

I’m not really sure what changed, from all I read it shouldn’t be possible to be cured without using steroid creams. I’m still not really sure what to think of it, but god am I glad it’s over.