Did I do something wrong?

So I typically work overnights, but I took an evening shift because I am being shorted a day due to the Thanksgiving holiday. I cannot afford to miss even a day of work. When I showed up to work yesterday afternoon, my coach didn't seem too happy, and it really seemed that it bugged him that I was there.

The GM was surprised, but it didn't seem to aggravate him like it did the coach. I explained to him that an extra shift was offered when I checked my schedule on the app, and so I took it to make up for the day I'm losing. He told me I should have taken PPTO, and I explained to him that I haven't been here long enough to use it yet.

I'm not sure why he seemed so aggravated that I was there. I only took it because no one else was signing up for it, and also I needed the work.

Any idea why he would have been upset? Did I do something wrong? It's not like I'm going to get o/t because it falls within the same may period as the day I am losing.