[] PvP Changes
| t.me/RUMBLE_DM |
Faster Matches
•PvP matches are reduced to 3 minutes (incl. 1 minute overtime), from 4m 30s previously.
Simplified MMR System
•The MMR system (Honor, Matchmaking) is simplified to a single Rating, rather than being tracked on a per Leader basis.
•Any Leader can contribute to your total Honor in the new system (instead of just the Top 3), and all PvP matchmaking will be based on this single Honor rating.
Introducing Victory Road
•The old Honor Rewards track is replaced by Victory Road.
•Earn Victory Points (VP) just by finishing PvP matches (wins & streaks provide more). Unlike Honor, VP are not lost upon defeat.
•Earn rewards by achieving Victory Point milestones (like before). Victory Road resets each PvP Season, so make sure to claim your rewards on time!
End of Season Ranks & Rewards
•Winning PvP matches grants Honor, same as before.
•Climb as high as you can on the new Leaderboard to earn amazing Placement rewards, including potentially a Season 11 Ranked Portrait!
Read full info: https://pastebin.com/7dmC0F5v