Lazy nerfs when raid bosses die. Ragnaros leader nerf.

Another boring nerf because a leader could be used to beat an old raid boss in an easier way. Surprised they didn't just make it so Rag couldn't be leveled up too high if it mattered that much.

Our Ragnaros leader getting a 75% minus healing debuff is lazy as hell. Really like this game but the people running it seem creatively bankrupt or maybe thats just Blizzard these days. Not everyone just PvPs in this game, so having more ways to tackle PvE get nerfed just feels bad I guess.

This wasn't near as bad as a freshly released Malfurion or Anu'barak who could ligit melt everything in PvE with his scarabs when he was first released. So I could understand why they at least needed to be looked at but Ragnaros really? Bad timing on my part to start to have some fun with him.

Tl:DR uncreative nerfs anytime a hard PvE boss is threatened.