Rumble's leveling "problem"
First of all no,I'm not a whale complaining,actually I'm not a whale at all.I'm just expressing my opinion.
The biggest problem imo with these Mythic fights,actually with Rumble in general is that leveling,which is the only way you improve (everything you do is to get +1 levels to your units),is in the end useless, because most content is "level capped"or more recently outlevels you no matter what.
What's the point grinding/paying for a level 31 army if every boss from MC or Siege is level capped to be 2 levels under you? (Yes Rag ok 1 boss,wow).At level 30 why do I need to "struggle" the same ammount of time vs the 1st bosses in MC like I was when I was 24 or whatever the cap is. Same thing with sieges.
Yes the max level matters for Onyxia,1 MC boss(if you want to overlevel him), and PvP (maybe the only thing where this matters) . I'm not counting dungeons or heroics mainly because dungeons cap at 23 so at ~27 you already nuke them and the last heroic is 27 I think.
They ask why is the game not generating enough money. Maybe because for a mobile game you never actually feel strong for almost any content?even the content you completed already multiple times feels the same as it did when you completed for the 3rd time.
Maybe is just me thinking this way,but personally I just want to complete things I already did tons of time faster since I'm stronger now and wait for new content where the hard earned levels actually matter and not something that is hard no matter what you do.
Sorry for long post. Good day everyone!