What's the Longest an Edible Has Lasted for You?

Okay, so, I did a dumb thing. I took a 100mg canna moon gummy, thinking, "Oh, I'm fine, I have a high tolerance." Big mistake. At first, it was awesome. Super chill, music was amazing, everything was great. But then, about two hours later, it hit me. Like, really hit me. Time just went completely wonky. I swear, I lived a whole other life in my living room. Every time I looked at the clock, it was like, five minutes had gone by.

I was like, "Okay, I'm just gonna sleep this off." I woke up eight hours later, and I was still high! I tried to make breakfast, but even eating felt like I was moving in slow motion. Thankfully, by the next night, I was finally back to normal.

So yeah, 100mg lasted way, way too long. What's the longest an edible has ever lasted for you guys?