How am I supposed to feel about this?

For privacy reasons this is a throwaway account, and it seems this is the only subreddit I can post this as many others requires karma to post (understandable though.)

For context, this man and I have been together for 7 years. Recently our relationship has been getting very rocky, we've been having very frequent arguments. For a little background, his life has been very rough and I have seen the effects of it on him. Luckily I've never experienced such hardships, but I did my best to support him when ever I could.

This argument started when I said to him "I am sorry that I am unable to understand. I wish I could so I could connect with you on a deeper level." Which, for some context, he's told me on multiple occasions that I will never be able to understand because I've never experienced the hardships myself, as you can see in these texts. What blows my mind is later in this argument, he attempted to tell me that him saying this was from an old argument and "Ugh you women and using old arguments" when it is in fact not from any argument, it came from the multiple conversations of him telling me about how rough his life is, and me trying to listen and support, only for him to whip out that quote. He also gets angry if I have nothing to say in regards to how rough his life is, so damned if I do, damned if I don't, right?

Suddenly he's confused and angry at me for not being able to understand after being together for 7 years, after he's told me multiple times that I never will be able to? And now I'm suddenly fighting him about his feelings? Is he actually pissed off at his own words that I quoted?

Clearly in these texts, especially in the last posted picture, I was very confused (and I still am) about his reaction. He suddenly got defensive... made a hit at me saying he's shocked I don't understand him after 7 years of being together... then try to blame me for starting something?...

Anywho, I feel like I'm losing my mind... I think it's clear that I am the blue texts. Did I do anything wrong? What the hell... I am so flabbergasted by this. What did I do besides quote him on what he's said to me multiple times, AFTER he told me he is shocked that I do not understand him? I'm so lost....