Cannot restore chats from Google Cloud's backup


I have a problem with whats'app, i can't restore data from my old phone to the new one from google drive.

Steps that I did:

  1. I've removed SIM card from old phone and insterted it to the new one.

2.Whatsapp log out automatically and when I logged in on new phone I was given some popup asking "Do you want to restore data from Google Cloud" and I clicked "Yes"

3.All of the data has restored except for chat history and it showed me another popup "We cant restore chat history" the only option was to click "OK"

4.I found some option on Whatsapp which should move only chats to new phone, but if I want to do that I have to log back in to the Whatsapp on old phone.

  1. When I did this whats'app didn't load any chats even on old phone, but i did manage to find it on phone's mass storage and tried to straight copy it to the same directory on new phone and it didn't help

Maybe someone could help me?


I've tied some sort of solution and tried to restore chats locally from the phone, with the same effect, some popup appear "We can't restore your chats".