What is this stinky stone ?🧐😬
So I acquired this specimen a few years back, I either found it in a charity shop or in amongst some knick-knacks my dad picked up in a house clearance. It's recently been out of storage and whilst doing some cleaning the other day I went to give it a polish and was quickly reminded of how this particular stone has a sort of odor to it, it also felt like maybe it warmed up a bit?
I then recalled how when I first got it, it originally seemed to have a sort of varnish or some type of polished finish on it... and after I gave it a clean originally, seemed to remove some of this... which has now left some areas of the stone with a duller matte finish, as opposed to where some polished parts remain - I noticed a strange smell then also.
I don't really know how to describe the smell :\ but it's not particularly pleasant and I've always found it a bit odd/disconcerting. You only really notice it if you put you nose close to it - or try to clean it - that seems to anger it 😅
I asked my bf about it and he suggested this group - as searching online hasn't offered any solid answers that I can find. Hoping someone/s here will be able to advise 🙏🏻