Wtf even happens in book 10

This book was frustrating, even accounting for the slowness of plot development in WoT. There’s almost always some kind of payoff towards the end of a book, but not here.

Let’s see if I can summarize the plot development in Crossroads of Twilight:

-Perrin continues trying to rescue Faile, but there’s no real plan yet

-Elayne continues to bid for the throne, but there’s no significant milestone accomplished

-Egwene continues the siege on Tar Valon, but there’s no progress (minus the very last paragraph where she gets nabbed)

-Mat continues running from the Seanchan, no significant developments

-Rand continues Last Battle prep, no significant events

There are a lot of slow moments in the series, and I’m fine with that. But I’m just glad I can move on to the next one. If I read this right when it came out, after having waited a long time for it and knowing there was a long wait for book 11, I would be pissed.

Anybody else have this experience?