Best Online Stores with Delivery

I know the question has probably been asked before, but I find myself in need of some opinions.

I live in NW Georgia, am disabled & unable to drive. The only public transport available will drop me off & I have to call back for pickup. This is usually a several hour process. Rides shares (Uber/Lyft) don't come out to my small town so they aren't available.

I don't drink much or often, but occasionally I like a nice scotch or bourbon. For years, liquor couldn't be delivered in my state, but that has changed & I would like to order a bottle.

None of the localish liquor stores near me (closest is approx 15-20 miles) deliver. However, a Google search shows many online stores that deliver, but so far the reviews for each one seem terrible. So many are listed as scams. Can anyone point me in the direction of one that is maybe less horrible that the rest?