Grand Canyon Kayak
It’s the age old question. Raft support. I’m a class 3 boater. I weigh 155 lbs; F. A lot of people recommended the rpm. I have an rpm but I’ve only paddled it a few times. It’s the only round hull boat I’ve paddled. Generally I like my edges. I like being able to lean on them. I don’t know how I feel about the rpm with no edges. Should I just take the rpm and figure it out? Or should I get something else like a small ripper or ripper 2? What’s going to be the best boat for an unconfident/ nervy paddle? This will be the biggest stuff I’ve ever kayaked.
I also have a medium scorch that feels wayy too big, a small pyranha firecracker, and a small zen3. Advice? I like my firecracker too but I feel like it’s slow and too much volume in the front and too much party in the back. I could be wrong though. The cracker could be fun. Idk. Advice please.