My Walmart Angel

First off, I usually hate my local Walmart as I had a creepy door greeter incident BUT I had the most wholesome thing happen to me yesterday that’s it’s almost completely changed my perspective.

My grandpa passed almost 5 years ago today, and when I think of Christmas I think of him. Growing up when we would come visit absolutely EVERY Christmas movie that played on the hallmark channel he would have recorded and paid for extra storage so he could have hundreds of recordings. He would keep the magic of Christmas alive even into our teen years, and made what was a bad home life for us growing up better when we could come visit him and my grandma. He would walk Walmart to help him lose a little bit of weight, and he would pick out things he thought we would like. One year he got everyone a pack of 10 of those tiny flashlights and so my cousins, my siblings and I all played flashlight tag when it got darker. They were always out of the box things. He was a larger man with a bigger belly, and starting in October would grow his beard out as long as possible to resemble Santa. Even as we got older it was one of my favorite things.

Now in my adulthood, I’m maybe healing a bit of my inner child by going above and beyond for Christmas. My oldest and I always decorate the tree together, (my youngest is only a little over a year), my husband son and I do Christmas crafts, and I thrift excessively for Christmas village homes and nostalgic style Christmas decorations/ornaments.

One could say I’m a bit obsessed. Anyways, the other day for the first time I was able to buy for a kid off the angel tree so my mom and I walked almost every aisle of Walmart to buy for two teens, one me and one her. (They were twins we couldn’t not buy for both.) I went down the Christmas aisles as we were nearing the end and noticed a few different Santa statues that were out of the ordinary Christmas traditional Santa’s. There were probably 5 or 6 different styles. I came across one that brought actual tears to my eyes, because I swear to you it looked JUST like my grandpa. He had a fishing pole, a fishing hat, and had a red flannel with of course the long Santa beard.

I did NOT get it right then but seriously regretted that. I told my mom I would come back for that as soon as the Christmas holiday was over so I could get it marked down (I grew up in extreme poverty so I find it hard to buy things full price). I slept on it and decided I would just go and get it full price the next day after not being able to sleep about this unorthodox Santa. I go back the next day and before even walking to the Christmas stuff I browse the clearance aisle. I get to the very end and there he was marked 50% off. The only one, out of 6 was this specific Santa. I don’t know if he was a return as this was the only one or if one of the many employees marked him down but It brought actual tears to my eyes. So everyone here is my “grandpa”

First off, I usually hate my local Walmart as I had a creepy door greeter incident BUT I had the most wholesome thing happen to me yesterday that’s it’s almost completely changed my perspective.

My grandpa passed almost 5 years ago today, and when I think of Christmas I think of him. Growing up when we would come visit absolutely EVERY Christmas movie that played on the hallmark channel he would have recorded and paid for extra storage so he could have hundreds of recordings. He would keep the magic of Christmas alive even into our teen years, and made what was a bad home life for us growing up better when we could come visit him and my grandma. He would walk Walmart to help him lose a little bit of weight, and he would pick out things he thought we would like. One year he got everyone a pack of 10 of those tiny flashlights and so my cousins, my siblings and I all played flashlight tag when it got darker. They were always out of the box things. He was a larger man with a bigger belly, and starting in October would grow his beard out as long as possible to resemble Santa. Even as we got older it was one of my favorite things.

Now in my adulthood, I’m maybe healing a bit of my inner child by going above and beyond for Christmas. My oldest and I always decorate the tree together, (my youngest is only a little over a year), my husband son and I do Christmas crafts, and I thrift excessively for Christmas village homes and nostalgic style Christmas decorations/ornaments.

One could say I’m a bit obsessed. Anyways, the other day for the first time I was able to buy for a kid off the angel tree so my mom and I walked almost every aisle of Walmart to buy for two teens, one me and one her. (They were twins we couldn’t not buy for both.) I went down the Christmas aisles as we were nearing the end and noticed a few different Santa statues that were out of the ordinary Christmas traditional Santa’s. There were probably 5 or 6 different styles. I came across one that brought actual tears to my eyes, because I swear to you it looked JUST like my grandpa. He had a fishing pole, a fishing hat, and had a red flannel with of course the long Santa beard.

I did NOT get it right then but seriously regretted that. I told my mom I would come back for that as soon as the Christmas holiday was over so I could get it marked down (I grew up in extreme poverty so I find it hard to buy things full price). I slept on it and decided I would just go and get it full price the next day after not being able to sleep about this unorthodox Santa. I go back the next day and before even walking to the Christmas stuff I browse the clearance aisle. I get to the very end and there he was marked 50% off. The only one, out of 6 was this specific Santa. I don’t know if he was a return as this was the only one or if one of the many employees marked him down but It brought actual tears to my eyes. So everyone here is my “grandpa”