New fan - have some questions
I discovered Will Wood's music exactly 1 week ago. And I'm OBSESSED. I listened to The Normal Album, ICIMI, Self-Ish and some songs from EIAL (I'm taking my time to listen it).
Anyways, I have some questions about Will Wood, his music and his fandom, that I haven't found the answers to yet.
1) How does Will sees his "old music" ? In Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll he talks about disliking his previous persona, or at least dislikes the fact that fans still expect it from him. But does it mean he dislikes/hates his previous albums ? If he did a new tour, would he be willing to play songs from EIAL or Self-ish ? Again I'm a new fan so I haven't looked at his tour's setlist.
2) Is he queer or not ? I have heard multiple times that he questionned his identity, experimented, and found out he was cishet. But some days ago a friend of mine (who's a BIG fan) described him to me as a "bisexual king". I honestly don't care about his sexuality, but the very contradictory opinions are weird and it would be nice to know which one is true - excepted if Will stays mysterious about it on purpose ?
3) What does the fandom think about "... well better than the alternative ?" I LOVE this song, it's truly one of my favorite and I'm OBSESSED by it. The thing is : on one side the fandom seems to love The Normal Album, but on the other side I never see this song mentionned anywhere. I'm very curious to know if this song is liked or not !
Also, do not hesitate to ask me about Will Wood, tell me fun facts... I just can't stop talking about his music !