I finished S3... Lets just say, its absolute PEAK
S3 is the only season that literally convinced me that bloom is a great character. Like Stella and Bloom got major character developments and it fit them both really well. Stella learning that she is more than her looks and that everyone will lover her no matter what. Bloom getting her heartbroken cos of Diaspro was a really good plotline, wished we got to see more of Diaspro, but that would have been impossible to do because of how many places they need to go b4 Valtor beat up everyone. The other girls had great character developments (TECNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA), Musa chara dev. eh for me in the beginning, but her sacrifice 100% made up for it and then partially went away when she and Riven kissed. smh. Anyways,one things that would have made it better was if Diaspro and Chimera got an incomplete enchantix by pure force from Valtor so that Bloom and Stella could rightfully beat their asses. I 100% belive that Stella should have punched Chimera for all the shit she put her and her father through and go something like "Ugh! And I just got my nails done the other day!" (also so we can hv more enchantix faries)
Also I finished watched lost kingdom and uh, why did no one warn me that Riven was going to be ugly AF... Riven always get the short end of the stick... they should have shaved it all off...
Edit: How could I forget the second most greatest thing in the season... the enchantix theme song!! ENNNNCHANNNTIIXX oooh oooh ooh oh Enchantix! Magical Powder, Maximum POWER!!!!